Friday, March 12, 2010

The wife comes a'callin'...

I didn't have too good a day today. Partially because I slept so little last night, partially because I had a crap load of work to get through and also due to what I had planned for this evening. All day long I stressed over the wife coming to the house tonight. I was so worried about how it would go. How would I feel once I was again in the same room with her?

She came over this past Tuesday morning, brought breakfast and we discussed finances and the divorce and a bit about how it all came to this point. It was a pretty okay time and I think I handled it well. I've known all week that she planned on coming back on Friday to do some laundry, write out some checks and settle some matters related to the divorce. I've known, but I've dreaded it.

She called me today as I was driving to my AA Meeting and confirmed the evening. She suggested we make dinner, a fiery shrimp and grits dish she's been wanting to try. I agreed and told her I'd pick up the ingredients after the meeting. I got home, worked some more and waited for her call letting me know she was on her way. The kids were to be with their mother tonight, so I knew we'd be alone. I didn't know if this fact would be a good thing or potentially bad.

It turns out it was just fine. We actually had a good time together. We got to talk about a lot of stuff related to the end of our marriage. She brought over the divorce papers she had gotten from her attorney and I checked them out and pretty much agree with what she's proposing. She's being extremely fair. We made dinner together, she did laundry, we ate and watched shows I'd saved on TiVo. We also, as usual, discussed our financial situation and its future. To make a long story short, we're friends and we're going to remain friends. She said she'd always love me, but admitted that she hadn't been "in love" with me for a while now. Standing there listening to her say that did sting a little at first, but as I thought about it I just had to agree. I definitely feel the same way.

Overall it was a nice evening. The shrimp was excellent, although a tad bit too spicy. She's looking good and I really appreciate all she's done/is doing to make this whole deal as smooth and fair as possible.

Now...I think it's time for me to drag my tired, sober ass to bed! Tonight is the first night I've been totally lone since this all started.

TGIF baby!